Classic fantasy epic Elfquest (previously) is to be an animated series at Fox. Deadline reports that Susan Hurwitz Arneson (The Last Amazon) is to write and run the show, produced by Rodney Rothman (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) and former MGM Executive Adam Rosenberg’s Modern Magic.

Elfquest, first published in 1978, is an ongoing series of SFF graphic novels about the wild descendants of alien shapeshifters who crashed on an earthlike planet. Created by Wendy and Richard Pini, the series begins with the wolf-riding elves burned out of their forest by revenge-seeking humans, finding others like them, and ultimately learning of their origins and their right to live free. Famed for its wonderful art and fascinating characters, it was also groundbreaking for its presentation of women, elves of color and queerness, somehow getting away with such things in the deeply conservative 1980s comic book market.

“Wendy and Richard created and sustained one of the most successful independent comics of all time,” Rothman wrote. “It’s vividly influenced many of our favorite movies and creators. Along with Susan Arneson, we see their achievement as a perfect jumping off point to explore how post-Spider-Verse animation can take the fantasy genre someplace we haven’t seen before. If you’re an artist who this speaks to, let us know. We’re looking for you.”

“I’ve always said it would take something very special to bring me back to animation,” Arneson wrote. “I don’t think it gets more special than Elfquest. I’m so thrilled to be a part of the legacy of this beautiful epic.”

I love Elfquest (previously, previously, previously) and have high hopes for this production! If you’re in a rush and just want to get one fascinating reflection of it, read Elfquest and the Secret History by Maja D’Aoust. Come for the anime-influenced elves, stay for the sort of thing that suggests “the creators have a drinking buddy in the Illuminati.”

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