In this video, Disney Imagineer (theme park designer) Lanny Smoot, who will be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, demonstrates a new invention: the HoloTile floor. (At 3:07)

The floor is made up of small, round pieces that adjust and rotate as you walk on it. So you can walk, and the floor itself will adjust so that you don’t go anywhere. Multiple people can walk on the same floor in different directions, and the floor will adjust to their movements so they all stay in place.

This could be used for virtual reality experiences, or for stage performances. The technology is also shown moving objects around, along the floor, activated and directed by the hand gestures of an operator.

Smoot explains, as he walks in place on the floor:

So I can walk on this omnidirectional floor in any direction I want. It will automatically do whatever it needs to have me stay on the floor. And what’s amazing about this is multiple people can be on it, and all walking independently. They can walk in virtual reality and so many other things.

Smoot is an important inventor with over 100 patents, who has worked at Bell Labs and Disney. Wikipedia notes some of his accomplishments:

At Bell, Smoot was known for his work on early development of video-on-demand and other video and fibre-optic technology.  He anticipated a future where anyone could broadcast video.

At Disney, Smoot’s accomplishments include the drive system for the Star Wars BB-8 droid, interactive zeotropes for facial animation of objects, eye imaging for superhero masks and helmets,”Where’s the Fire?” at Innoventions (Epcot), many Haunted Mansion special effects, virtual interactive koi ponds in Hong Kong DisneylandFortress Explorations at Tokyo DisneySea, “Power City” in Spaceship Earth (Epcot), and lightsabers for the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser experience. Other patented inventions include new ride technology and glassless 3D displays.

Previously: Holodeck Program interface spotted in LA city park

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