The S8 Max Series features the latest developments in household cleaning technology. The S8 Max Ultra features 8,000 PA of HyperForce Suction power, 10,000Pa on the S8 MaxV Ultra, guaranteed to not only capture dirt and contaminants, but capture them so thoroughly you’d never even know they were there. As the device vacuums, it also utilizes its DuoRoller Riser brush to capture trickier contaminants like loose hairs without causing any clogs or tangles. In addition to the suction power, the S8 Max Series is packing a VibraRise 3.0 Mopping System, scrubbing your floors 4,000 times per minute with its high-speed vibration modules.

The S8 Max vacuums aren’t just tough, though; they’re also smart enough to clean quickly and efficiently. The vacuums can automatically detect areas and surfaces where normal cleaning wouldn’t suffice and adjust themselves accordingly, raising and lowering brushes, increasing suction power for dense carpets, and even deploying a FlexiArm side brush to tackle tight corners and low spaces. The S8 MaxV Ultra in particular features an onboard 3D structured light and RGB camera which, when paired with Roborock’s proprietary Reactive AI 2.0 Obstacle Recognition, ensures that your vacuum can both spot and avoid obstacles and map out an ideal cleaning routine for itself.

Between cleaning sessions, the S8 Max vacuums return to the RockDock Ultra, which single-handedly handles all of the upkeep efforts. Dust pans are emptied, brushes are cleaned, batteries are charged, and detergent is dispensed. You can even hook up the RockDock Ultra to a drainage system to automatically handle water disposal and refills.

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