One week ago, if you had asked me if I planned on getting an Apple Vision Pro, I would have scoffed. Why try typing on a clumsy digital keyboard when I could work much faster on a real one? Why watch a movie on a flat screen inside a headset when I could just turn on my TV? Wildly expensive, superfluous tech is just not for me.

But after one half-hour session with the Vision Pro, I might be a changed man. Maybe it’s just the stunning resolution talking, but I can more easily see a future where the tech enhances some aspects of my life. The only thing I’m still not sold on? Actually wearing the thing.
Learning the ropes
In my hands-on session, Apple would guide me through several impressive experiences across a handful of apps. First thing was first, though: I’d need to learn how to use it. Compared to VR headsets I use regularly, the Vision Pro is much easier to put on and get running. I’d pull it over my head, turn a dial to tighten its knit headband, and look at a few dots to set up eye-tracking in the span of a few short minutes. With that sparse setup out of the way, I was tossed right into an app selection screen with nothing but my eyes and hands to control my experience from there.

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