Self-help guru Jared Kushner (aka Donald Trump’s rich toady-in-law) shared some pearls of wisdom on how to face obstacles and grab success by the cojones.

“If you want to accomplish something, you know, a lot of people … complain about what other people do or why it’s hard, or why it’s impossible … but when I’ve had challenges or things I’ve wanted to achieve, I just focus and say, ‘What can I do?'” said the proud trust fund baby in an overlooked part of an interview he did last October, posted today by Ron Filipkowski (see clip below).

“I’ll read everything I can get my hands on. If I fail at one thing — if the door closes, I’ll try the window [or the side door, which opened for him at Harvard thanks to Daddy Kushner’s money after the Ivy-covered front door locked him out]” he continued.

“If the window closes, I’ll try the chimney. If the chimney closes, I’ll try to dig a tunnel.” And when the tunnel leads to nowhere, li’l Kushner will dip his silver spoon into the Trump trough or convicted (but Trump-pardoned) father Charles Kushner’s pile of nearly 2 billion bucks. “If you want to accomplish something, you just have to go at it!” And that’s all there is to it, according to the sage underachiever, Mr. Ivanka Trump.

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