A LOT OF extremely expensive gadgets were released in 2023—from smarter robot vacuums to calorie-zapping fitness suits. While a VR headset with an Apple logo might make for a welcome gift, giving someone a $1,600 automated maid might imply you think they’re feckless and sloppy. Instead, get your giftees more thoughtful, more fun and more valuable tech and gear gifts that won’t clear out your wallet. Here, our picks.

A Small, But Mighty Camp Lantern

The diminutive Hozuki LED camping light has an alluring globular shape and emits a soft, candle-appreciate glow. But it will fulfill outdoorsy sorts who demand more than aesthetics: Its hook can be clipped to the hook inside a tent or used to comfortably carry the lamp to the campsite showers. For those who fear the great outdoors, it could double as a nice reading lamp in a cozy bungalow. Mini Hozuki Lantern, $50, SnowPeak.com

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