Most enthusiasts are all about the “H” shaped gear shift pattern, but we weren’t kidding about shifters for automatics being cool, too, because we’re starting this list off with one. Say hello to the Horseshoe Ratchet found in late model Chevy Chevelles, Camaros, Monte Carlos, and Impalas.

The floor sitting shifter only moves back and forth on a rail, shifting in sequence from (bottom to top) — 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Neutral, Reverse, and Park. Sure, there are issues with how it actually performs, particularly in that the original equipment shifter doesn’t exactly provide a positive stop at each gear. Unfortunately, this frequently causes the driver to shift past the gear they wanted, sometimes even sliding all the way into Neutral before it stops at Reverse. 

Whatever, this isn’t a list of best-performing shifters. Plus, it’s a problem that can easily (and cheaply) be fixed with an after-market ratchet-shift detent plate that’ll give it true “slap-shift” capability that properly stops at each gear. Despite that hiccup, the Horseshoe Ratchet still looks fantastic and makes you feel like you’re engaging the throttle in a fighter jet or spaceship. Yes, that’s really something men dream about while operating their far less glamorous four-wheeled rides.

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