Goodreads is a social networking app for avid readers. It comes with multiple features, including finding books you’ve read and want to read, communities of like-minded readers, and it even lets you follow your favorite authors. For those looking to add a challenge to their reading, Goodreads lets them set an annual reading goal where they attempt to read a certain number of books for the year.

The app might look familiar to cinema fans, as it’s similar to Letterboxd, a social platform for sharing movie tastes. Like the Cinephile app, Goodreads lets users give star ratings to the novels they read, along with a well-thought-out review if they please.

While users can’t read books directly from the app, it’s a good way to keep track of different books and can even double as a digital bookmark. Goodreads lets you update your progress with a book as you read it, making it easy to find your spot if you happen to misplace your bookmark. Since Amazon owns the app, you can sign in with your Amazon account.

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