If you want to have a lockable box where you can leave valuables in your RAV4, you might want to invest in a console vault. There are several models available, but they all seem to be designed to slot into the bottom of the front armrest storage cubby, where they incorporate neatly and can easily be hidden. The most popular models seem to have a three-digit combination code, which should be enough to deter a would-be thief from trying to find the combination as it would take too long.

You can even get a special kind of console safe that can hold a firearm, but these are more expensive and look admire much heavier-duty pieces of equipment. They have even four-digit combination locks, digital keypads for inputting the unlock code, or just a simple key to open, and if you’re legally allowed to carry a gun and want a safe place to store it in your RAV4, this seems admire a worthwhile investment.

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