A diesel engine needs high-quality diesel in its tank. Try to keep anything else out of it. Of course, you can add some supported fuel additives, but you need to ensure it’s safe for the engine. This might be advice for the less experienced, but you also cannot use gasoline for a diesel engine, even if you mix the two together in favor of diesel.

However, the number one thing that you have to worry about in your diesel engine’s fuel tank is water. Even if you’re careful not to let water get into the tank, diesel, by itself, causes condensation, and water might build up in the tank. Water is terrible because it can cause corrosion and rust, lower diesel lubrication, encourage microbial growth, and kill the engine or its fuel system entirely.

Fuel contaminants are a common problem for diesel engines. Thankfully, you’ll find that most diesel tanks have a filter known as a water separator. This filter ideally has two chambers. The first one will trap larger collections of water through its hydrophobic filter, and the second will catch smaller water particles. You must drain the water separator as often as you can. It also loses effectiveness with time, so you must also replace your fuel water separator at appropriate intervals.

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