Often, after homeowners install solar panels on their property, they stop keeping track of their energy consumption. Whether it’s plugging in and using appliances and lights that are not needed or cranking up the air conditioner, many of these habits can, unsurprisingly, cause your electricity needs to rise.

Even if you’ve been careful about your energy usage, changes in your living situation or the addition of new appliances to your household might be what’s causing a spike in your electricity bill. For instance, guests visiting you during the holidays naturally add to energy needs. The same goes for if you or another resident shift to a remote work situation. Additionally, if you don’t like the heat, staying indoors for more hours can significantly increase your energy consumption too.

While some of these changes are temporary, it’s a good idea to take a look at your energy consumption over a few weeks and try to spot new habits or inefficiencies in your appliances that might be running up your electricity usage. Taking steps to be more mindful about your energy consumption and getting appliances, like your air conditioner and refrigerator, serviced can help keep your utility bills under control.

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