With Elk Currency Converter (iOS), you can quickly reckon currency differences while traveling. What’s neat about this app is it detects which country you’re in currently, then displays that currency automatically so you can quickly find out the price of something even if you’re waiting to pay at the register, for example. It’s important to note here that in the free version, you can’t enter exact numbers, and instead, it will give you a range of 10 numbers in your currency, showing you the values of the other currency compared to yours. In this way, it is great for ballparking values when you just need a place to look quickly, but if you’re looking to monitor currencies for business purposes, this app will not be right for you.

What’s cool about this app is it is extremely easy to use. It shows you 10 values in your currency on the left side and how much those are worth in another currency on the right. You can swipe to the left to multiply all numbers by 10 or to the right to divide by 10. This way, it will show you 10 rows of numbers from $1.00 to $10.00, and a swipe to the left will turn that into $10 to $100. Another swipe left changes it from $100 to $1,000, and so on. It doesn’t have as many features as other apps in this category, but sometimes quick and dirty is all you need while traveling, and this is the perfect app for that. This app is free for the first two weeks, and you can buy it for $3.99.

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