SleepWatch works with both Apple Watch and iPhone to track your sleep. While wearing the Apple Watch will give you additional insights like heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and sleep disruptions, you can choose to only track sleep with your iPhone. To do this, you’ll need to keep your phone by your bedside and tap the Start button to begin sleep tracking. The app uses the microphone to record ambient noise levels and sleep sounds like coughing, snoring, and talking.

SleepWatch provides a detailed sleep report, including time spent in bed, time taken to fall asleep, wake-up time, and your sleep goal. Once you receive a sleep report, the app generates AI-powered insights to help you improve your sleep. You’ll also be able to record and listen to sleep sounds, use smart alarms and wake-up reminders, and tag activities like exercise, sleeping position, and more to see what helps you sleep better.

When you begin a sleep-tracking session on the app, you can play white noise for better sleep. You can choose from specific white noise sounds or combine sounds to create your own mix. With Sleepwatch Premium, you’ll get access to features like a smart alarm, advanced sleep tracking, SleepWatch score, smart bedtime reminders, score trends, the entire library of white noise sounds, and the ability to record sleep sounds and track your snoring. A premium subscription costs $4.99 a month or $39.99 a year.

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