Being a beginner, you may think that you have to start with one of these small MIDI controllers in order to learn the ropes. While that works for some people, others who expect to get deeply into digital music production may want to jump into the deep end with a large, high-quality controller like the Novation Launchkey 61 MK3.

The Launchkey 61 is a MIDI controller that comes with all the bells and whistles. It includes 16 pads, faders, and that 61-key keyboard, opening new production possibilities and giving players nearly the full range of a traditional set of keys. The Novation Launchkey works incredibly well whether you are using Ableton Live (the Lite version does come with the controller’s software package), Pro Tools, Logic, or just about any other DAW you want to use. It can also be used on its own, away from a computer.

This MIDI controller comes at a higher price of $279.99, but if you know that this is something you are in for the long haul, you might save money with this initial purchase rather than continuously upgrading. Think about your space, the music you want to create, and your budget; any of these options could be right for you.

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