Square is a company you’ve almost certainly encountered before, if not as a business owner, then as a customer. Its tablet-based point-of-service systems dot the countertops of small businesses across the country and around the world. Whether your small business is a food truck, a hair salon, or a CrossFit gym, Square can help you take and process payments.

Those iPads that swipe your credit card aren’t the only things Square offers. The company also offers payroll solutions, employee scheduling directly from POS, e-commerce websites for selling goods and services, email lists to keep in touch with customers, customer rewards and loyalty programs, and many other such tools. All of those elements might be available elsewhere, but Square brings them all together into a single, streamlined package, with support available if anything goes wrong.

Square’s pricing ranges from free for extremely small businesses to custom pricing for bespoke operations with unconventional needs, which makes it even more enticing for those trying to get a business off the ground without a lot of initial overhead.

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