The pen, indeed, is mightier than the sword, and its tool in Illustrator is as powerful as you need it to be. When used precisely, it can create any shape you require and is also the fastest way of designing logos once you’re habituated to using it. The pen tool has a steep learning curve, which can be quite intimidating, especially to new artists, but as enigmatic as it may be, it is something you can’t avoid forever. 

Editing in Illustrator requires a deep understanding of shapes and overlays, which will eventually lead you to use the Pathfinder tool. In essence, this tool allows you to manipulate shapes by adding, subtracting, or merging different overlapping elements.

Beyond these two key elements, Adobe Illustrator has a plethora of other tools at its disposal. Options and variations within tools also exist, making your work simpler when used effectively. From the vast library of brush strokes to the built-in color swatches, mastering different tools should be of high priority to every designer. 

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