Now that you’ve got that oven warm, you might be interested to know it can also help you make vinyl coasters. To make that transition, you’ll need a cookie sheet, grease-proof wax paper, oven mitts, rubber gloves, a felt sheet, glue sandpaper, strong scissors, and two books. After assembling those tools, follow these steps:

  1. Preheat your oven to 392 degrees F (200 degrees C). Again, temperature is important due to the aforementioned health risks involved with heating vinyl.
  2. Place wax paper on the cookie sheet, then place the record on top of the wax paper.
  3. Put the cookie sheet in the oven and heat the record until it’s soft and pliable. This should take about 8 to 10 minutes.
  4. Use oven mitts to remove the cookie sheet.
  5. Put rubber gloves on before handling the record. Then, use scissors to cut from the outside of the record in, cutting in a circle around the record label. Reheat the record as necessary throughout this process.
  6. Place the cutout label between two books and let it cool to ensure there is no warping.
  7. Once cool, use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges.
  8. Using the cutout label as a guide, cut a piece of felt in the same shape.
  9. Glue the felt to the bottom of the label and let it dry.

Congrats, you’ve now got a snazzy new coaster to protect your coffee table. You can repeat this process to make as many coasters as you need.  

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