Movies Anywhere is a bit different from a typical streaming service in that it’s more of a way for you to connect and access multiple streaming services in one place. This means you can use it to check out all of the available anime titles that other platforms you currently subscribe to are carrying.

As long as your Movies Anywhere account is tied to your Google Play or YouTube account, you can access it and all of the other services you’ve connected to it through the YouTube app. This includes services like iTunes, Microsoft, Prime Video, Verizon Fios TV, Vudu, YouTube, and more. With Movies Everywhere, movies and shows from a variety of different studios are available, including Disney, Sony, Universal, and Warner Brothers.

You’ll want to double-check to make sure the services you want are capable of being added before diving in, of course. But the potential for sheer variety as more services join and more anime is licensed is worth considering.

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