We finally arrive at the most exciting part: coating the brake calipers with paint. The best thing to remember here is to use high-temperature spray paint instead of ordinary paint. Remember that the brakes get very hot, and using paint not designed to withstand extremely high temperatures will result in premature bubbling, cracking, or fading.

Before spraying, ensure that all rubber parts — especially piston seals — are masked with tape. Moreover, it’s a good idea to cover the surrounding area with a plastic garbage bag to prevent unwanted overspray on the fender liners, discs, and suspension dampers.

Spray two to three light coats of paint, remembering to allow the surface to dry between each coat. Let the paint dry for 20-30 minutes after spraying the final coat. The last step is to re-install the brake caliper on the hub and affix the wheels. If the weather is nice and dry, drive for about 15 to 20 minutes to “bake” the newly painted calipers.

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