Berlin (dpa) – 2024 is a super election year: in addition to the US presidential elections and the vote for the European Parliament, three landmark state elections are due to be held in eastern Germany. After the warning issued by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser has now also cautioned against attempts to influence upcoming elections by means of disinformation. The Czech secret service recently uncovered a propaganda network financed by Moscow.

The Federal Government is taking active measures to combat fake news and disinformation. Together with France and Poland, it is seeking to establish an early warning and response system to monitor information manipulation and influence peddling from abroad. A new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation shows that 81 percent of the German population regards disinformation on the internet as a threat to democracy and social cohesion. International Fact-Checking Day on Tuesday, 2 April will draw attention to the reach and influence of misinformation on the internet. 

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