Obbürgen (dpa) – The international peace summit for Ukraine refers to the UN Charter in its final communiqué, stating that it is vital to respect the principles of sovereignty, independence and the territorial integrity of all states within their internationally recognised borders. In particular, the signatories demand protection for the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, which is controlled by Russia, as well as condemning threats to use nuclear weapons. They also advocate unhindered grain exports from Ukraine, which they say are very important for poor countries in Africa, for example. In addition, they call for the exchange of prisoners of war and the return of abducted persons. 13 of the 93 participating states did not sign the communiqué.  

Previously, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again reminded Russia of its responsibility: “It is true that peace in Ukraine cannot be achieved without the involvement of Russia.” But if Russia wanted to, it could end this war of its own making at any time, said Scholz. 

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