Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – In a police operation carried out in several countries, more than 100 servers have been confiscated worldwide and 1,300 domains taken out of service. The public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt am Main and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) announced that a number of the most dangerous malware programmes had been eliminated in what it said had been the “biggest international cyber police operation to date”. The criminals use the software to hijack other people’s computers. Ten international arrest warrants were issued and four people were provisionally arrested in connection with the measures coordinated by German authorities. Deposits worth 70 million euros were blocked on crypto exchanges and assets totalling 69 million euros were seized. Law enforcement officers in the Netherlands, France, Denmark, the UK, Austria and the USA were involved in the operation. They were supported by the police authority Europol and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation 

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