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The mismanagement of our city has become a serious public concern. Everything from electric buses and excessive bike lanes, to massive LRT projects seem to be going sideways. The resulting excessive spending has become a major concern.

Recently, someone wrote to the editor, questioning the intelligence of those at the helm. He suggested that all of us were to blame because we should elect smarter people. But we have elected some intelligent people.

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So what is the problem? Why do they purchase 60 untried and untested electric buses instead of maybe, six? Who would consider that $100 million is a reasonable budget for bike lanes, when obviously there is not enough money to complete the much-needed repair of Jasper Avenue? What is lacking in the grandiose planning of our extensive LRT projects, when experts reported that our city was not nearly large enough to justify this venture?

Why was a noise bylaw not written properly to effectively protect our quality of life? Lately, what has been missing in our council is common sense. Sadly, common sense is mostly noted by its absence. Once it disappears, bad things happen. Let us be hopeful that common sense will once again make a comeback with those at the helm.

John H. Miller, Edmonton

Will tax hikes outpace savings?

I am retired and live on a fixed income and savings. I am lucky enough to have a home and relatively good health. I drive a 15-year-old vehicle, and in summer, I ride my e-bike. It seems, however, that every time I read the paper I’m informed that the bus fleet needs a quarter-of-a-billion upgrade because city council forgot we live in a winter city and the electric buses don’t cut it.

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City workers recently received a well-deserved pay increase, fire trucks are breaking down, and we’re always short of police.  The bike lanes we have are underused and overfunded. Oh, I almost forgot, in addition to every other cost, my property tax keeps going up. Somehow these eight-10-per-cent annual increases make me wonder if I’ll outlive my retirement savings

Gord Bushewsky, Edmonton

Smith taking on too much

Dear Premier Danielle Smith: Please take a rest, as lately you’ve been taking charge of quite a bunch and must be tired with just the partial list below: in charge of any and all agreements between cities and the feds; in charge of any and all research grants between post-secondary institutions and the feds; in charge of any discussion of national park expansion; being in charge of pension funds, police forces, coal mines, gender issues, et cetera.

I’m presently planning my vegetable garden. Can I proceed or should I wait for your instruction?

John Jackson, Sherwood Park

Letters welcome

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