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Steve-O has claimed that he dropped out of appearing on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast after the host declined to not smoke marijuana around the sober Jackass star.

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In a conversation with entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, the stunt performer explained that he was supposed to drop in for a conversation on Maher’s podcast, but nixed his appearance after Maher insisted on smoking marijuana during their interview.

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“I’m a clean and sober guy. It’s very important that I maintain my sobriety, it’s approaching 16 years,” Steve-O said on his own Wild Ride podcast during a conversation with Bet-David. “I am about to be sweet 16. Really, there’s nothing I value more than my sobriety. There’s nothing more that I protect than my recovery. I found it kind of upsetting when the Bill Maher podcast reached out and he smokes pot the whole time while he interviews people. I said I’d happily go on there, but while I’m on, out of respect for my sobriety, could he refrain from smoking pot. He said no and that’s a dealbreaker.”

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Steve-O, who has spoken openly about his struggles with addiction, said he’s never had an issue when appearing on other podcasts with hosts who like to smoke pot during interviews.

“Mike Tyson’s podcast is called Hotboxin’,” Steve-O said. “Be real! All of these prolific potheads, I’ve been on their shows and it wasn’t so important to them to blow marijuana smoke in my face, but for Bill Maher it was a dealbreaker.”

While Maher usually lights up during his Club Random chats, Entertainment Weekly noted he made an exception during a recent episode featuring Sheryl Crow.

While the pair discussed the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, Maher said: “That’s when I need a joint … but I’d never light one up in front of you.”

Steve-O went on to criticize Maher’s recent interview with Bet-David. “I found the way he spoke to you to be rather insulting,” Steve-O said.

But he conceded that his assessment was likely influenced by Maher’s refusal to accommodate Steve-O’s request. “I could probably see him saying the most innocuous thing and find it insulting,” he said.

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