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Re. “City to review how names chosen,” May 23

If I may suggest, there is much more one can do to bring true justice to our First Nations. Changing existing names of our neighbourhoods, parks, streets, and civic buildings is a sad waste of time and precious funds and effectively erases our community history. Inexplicably, history is being erased only to recreate it. How and when was anyone given the mandate to do

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Time and money could be much better spent. New names do nothing to improve the actual life of our Indigenous population. Some names are nearly impossible to pronounce. Instead of spending time and dollars “fleshing out a database of … names,” please spend some time to find out the real-life problems confronting our Indigenous neighbours. It is hard to imagine that many of them would rank names as a serious issue.

John H. Miller, Edmonton

Police actions at U of A applauded

Full disclosure: I am a proud Jew and while I disagree with some of the policies of the Israeli government, the right to self-defence is non-negotiable. Anti-Israel protesters are a loud minority and believe they have the inherent right to create tent cities on any campus they choose.

The fact that Jewish students are intimidated by these encampments is of no concern to the protesters, but to the Edmonton police chief, illegal encampments that deprive others of rights was a problem that required a solution. I applaud Chief McFee and the decisive actions of the EPS.

Gord Bushewsky, Edmonton

Smith knows better than Albertans?

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I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to our Dear Leader, Danielle Smith, for informing me and other Albertans on issues and needs that I wasn’t aware of. Since her coronation, I now understand that I wanted/needed: an Alberta pension plan and police force; a law and lawsuits against the evil feds; censorship to protect us from dire research and money directed from those feds; new coal mines; well-funded committees on not very much; political parties for municipal elections; better-funded private schools; a new hospital in Red Deer that Edmontonians can use; high-density classrooms; control of locally elected councils; financial aid for suffering oil companies to deal with orphan wells, and so much more.

I await other programs I can not even imagine. How comforting it is to know that our Supreme Leader will not pay heed to any nefarious Albertans’ objections to what she knows is good for us and what we really want. I am now truly enlightened. Thank you, Peerless Leader. How many signatures are needed to recall a premier and/or her government?

Jack Hassan, Edmonton

Letters welcome

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