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The city sent Calgary homeowners an official letter with an insert outlining details about proposed rezoning. The letter refers us to the website, but reminds us that the information there is not provided as an official record.

Good thing, as the city website states an R-CG parcel could have a maximum of four units on a typical 50-foot lot, with the potential for each unit to have a secondary suite. Parking requires a minimum of 0.5 stalls/unit and 0.5 stalls/suite.

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The insert states “R-CG property could have a maximum of four units on a typical 50-foot lot with the potential for each unit to have a secondary suite AND a backyard suite. Proposed changes to secondary suite rules would remove the need to provide any parking space on the property for the backyard suite. What to believe?

Judy Shandro, Calgary

Homeowner ponders legal ramifications

Here’s another way to look at the rezoning debacle. It’s a breach of contract.

When I bought my house, it was under the agreement that this was an R-1 property. I have kept up my side of the contract by paying my property taxes every year with the understanding this is an R-1 property. If the city now wishes to change their side of the contract by making my property open to a four-home development then, accordingly, I will change my side by paying one-quarter of the property taxes.

The city is welcome to gather the remaining three-quarters owed from the nebulous “others” they created by rezoning.

Or perhaps Calgary property owners should consider a class-action lawsuit?

Susan Pilley, Calgary

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Mayor is misinformed on blanket rezoning

Mayor Jyoti Gondek seems to think the public is misinformed about blanket rezoning and that the public hearing on April 22 will clear the whole thing up. I would suggest that she and other city councillors who support this proposal are the ones who are misinformed.

By expediting the rezoning process so developers can build four-unit row houses with secondary suites in established communities, they have abdicated their responsibility for development in Calgary and taken away the ability for homeowners to have any input into what is developed beside them.

Essentially, the developers will dictate what is built within our communities and homeowners will have little or no say in the matter.

I understand that a developer would not be allowed to build a multi-storey apartment beside me, however, a smaller eight-unit complex with inadequate off-street parking is still unacceptable.

Julio Savoia, Calgary

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