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How arrogant and irresponsible for the Ford government to adjourn the provincial legislature until October. We need a government prepared to grapple with the critical issues that communities are facing post-COVID, like these:

• Our Children’s Aid Societies are underfunded and unable to provide children with the required support and protection. We have children housed in CAS buildings, where they can’t receive proper care and security.

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• Our public board of education is considering slashing services to children because of underfunding by the provincial government. Social workers, learning support workers, speech pathologists, and special learning programs are at risk in Windsor-Essex because the province fails to understand the depth of funding required for essential supports to our children’s education.

• Vital mental health services, including safe consumption and treatment centres remain shuttered while this government dallies. Downtown Windsor’s Safepoint Consumption and Treatment Centre application has been pending for 23 months while this government pleads delay — waiting for a report that has been commissioned without a deadline or review process. How incompetent and indifferent.

It is high time the Ford government got back to work. Put down your golf clubs and barbecue tongs and get back to the legislature.

You are accountable to the people of Ontario, and we deserve competent and responsible representation now.

Marion Overholt


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