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Parents who don’t have a child with a disability do not think their own child is impacted by a lack of appropriate support for classmates with special needs.

Special education does not only benefit the student who requires support; it’s vital to ensure every individual, regardless of abilities or disabilities, receives a quality education tailored to their unique needs. ALL students are impacted when there are fewer supports, resources, and cuts to self-contained or partially contained programs like RISE (Reaching Individual Success and Excellence) or GAINS (Giving Attention to Individual Needs and Strengths).

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Students with disabilities in traditional classrooms often require specialized instruction, accommodations, and support services to succeed academically and socially. Yet, due to budget constraints and lack of awareness, many schools struggle to provide adequate resources which can translate to students slipping through the cracks.

It is inconceivable that special education would be considered for cost-saving measures in a developed country where a right to education is each person’s fundamental right. Whether it’s students with or without disability, if we don’t invest in students in their early years, what can we expect will happen as they become older?

Joanna Conrad


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