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re: Roseland resistance: plan for high-end condos on Windsor golf course land met with criticism (March 8)

I feel for the people living near the Roseland Golf and Curling Club.

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I live on Banwell Road and McHugh Street and the wooded property behind me is going to be destroyed in order to build a condo development.

My neighbours and I attended all the information sessions, we filled out all the “concerns” sheets given to us by the consultants for the builder. We held neighbourhood meetings and walked area streets with a petition. We collected almost 700 signatures.

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Phone calls were made to the city and elsewhere to get as much correct and factual information as possible. We wrote letters to every city council member, and we spoke to our Ward Coun. Angelo Marignani at town hall meetings and one-on-one. We attended all the city council meetings so that we could plead our case before the mayor and city council.

Believe me when I say we did our homework. Factual power point presentations were presented to city council outlining impacts, from flooding concerns to lack of sunlight in our backyards and increased traffic.

One neighbour, out of town for one of the meetings, attended via Skype and also did a PowerPoint presentation. Many concerned neighbours spoke out before city council.

As the last neighbour who spoke walked back to their seat, it took all of five seconds for city council to vote against us, with Ward 1 Coun. Fred Francis being the first to raise his hand.

All that time and effort and it felt like none of it mattered. I must say that’s why it took me aback when I heard Fred Francis opposes the Roseland condo plans. He also expressed concerns regarding the potential impact of such a development on the character of the South Windsor neighbourhood.

What about OUR neighbourhood?

My quiet neighbourhood is going to turn into a traffic-congested concrete jungle. Mr. Francis must reside in South Windsor so I guess it matters to him now.

Kim Friest


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