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A pedophile who once kidnapped a nine-year-old girl from her family’s home to sexually assault her has been denied parole again as he serves an indefinite sentence he received four years ago after he tried to pay money to have sex with a minor while he was at a halfway house in Laval.

In a decision made earlier this week by the Parole Board of Canada’s Appeal Division, Michel Fradette, 45, was again turned down for day parole. The appellate division found no fault with a November parole board decision denying him a release. It determined Fradette still represents a risk society and that he is spending more time focused on appealing the indefinite sentence he received at the Laval courthouse, on Aug. 8, 2020, than working toward rehabilitating himself.

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He was declared a dangerous offender on that date and, since then, Fradette was before the Quebec Court of Appeal often last year in an attempt to remove the designation. The two recent parole decisions made in his case describe how he has distanced himself from his case management team because he claims he has been denied access to documents he needs for his appeal.

In 2007, Fradette received a 10-year sentence for having kidnapped and sexually assaulted the nine year-old girl in the Saguenay—Lac-St-Jean region. Following his arrest in that case, another five girls came forward and reported having been sexually abused by Fradette between 1997 and 2002. His 10-year sentence included convictions for several offences related to the other five victims.

He was also declared a long-term offender when he was sentenced in 2007, which meant the Parole Board of Canada could impose surveillance conditions on Fradette for 10 years after his sentence expired. The long-term offender part of his sentence began in August 2017 and one of the conditions imposed on Fradette was that he reside at a halfway house.

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In March 2019, he was caught in a sting operation where the Laval police pretended to be pimps posting online ads offering sex with minors. Using a cellphone he was not supposed to have, Fradette sent a text message to a phone number in the ad and wrote: “If you have one that is very young $$$. Give me a sign -12,” referring to a girl younger than 12 years old.

The Laval police kept Fradette on the hook until he made an agreement to pay $550 for sex with a minor. When he was arrested his cellphone was found to contain 8886 images and 17 videos that constituted child pornography.

On July 16, 2019, he pleaded guilty to attempting to obtain the sexual services of a minor and was later declared a dangerous offender, the designation that came with an indeterminate sentence.

On Tuesday, the parole board’s appellate division supported the earlier decision to deny him a release.

“You have a low potential for social reintegration and you are not committed to your release plan. At this point in your sentence, you are heavily engaged in legal procedures to the detriment of the work you should be doing on reflection, questioning and introspection on your criminal dynamics, and on your needs for help and intervention. You do not even agree with the level of risk you present, which limits any in-depth work,” the parole board wrote back in November.

“In this context, the board has not noted any significant improvement which could justify a return to society, even if it was within the framework of a halfway house in a very controlled program. To date and given the lack of progress, the board can only conclude that you have no grounds for release.”

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