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grocery store

Every Thursday, we feature an image from the StarPhoenix archives, curated by the City of Saskatoon Archives. Today, we see Joan Wathen chatting with Mr. E.C. Jackson in her small grocery store, Buena Vista Shop-Rite, which continued to thrive as competition between huge supermarkets and local grocery stores grew, from April 11, 1975. (City of Saskatoon Archives StarPhoenix Collection S-SP-A8741-3, photo by Gary Tannyan)

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From the StarPhoenix Archives:

Her childhood dream was to own and operate a little corner grocery store, and at the age of 21 Joan Wathen has made her dream come true.

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Last November Joan and two friends, Helen Underwood and Bill Kellers, purchased Buena Vista Shop-Rite. “It was my dream since I was a kid to own a store. We had the money saved and Helen and Bill are there for moral and financial help. I’m in the store myself most of the time,” she said. …

“It’s a small store and that means there is personal contact with the customers. I’ve got to know just about everyone who shops here,” she said.

Next to her counter and cash register, sits an old chair which looks like it once belonged around a kitchen table. “People come in and sit in that chair and tell me about their nieces and children. One old fellow comes in every morning at about 10:30 without fail. I can almost tell you who is going to come in when.”

Although the store is tiny, each and every item is shelved with care and organization. A variety of grocery items and meat take up the entire store, with the exception of the candy goodies. Come noon hour and after school, the place is bombarded with youngsters. …

It seems like a lot of work for one woman, but the enjoyment she receives from her store and her customers cancels out any heartache she encounters. “Sometimes I need my friends to cry on their shoulder and I’ve made my share of mistakes, like having too many bananas or lettuce left over Saturday night.

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