It was expected that several Liberals were going to support NDP motion that immediately recognized a ‘state of Palestine’

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If there was any need for evidence of the shambolic nature of what the Liberals laughingly call their Middle East policy it was on full display Monday night in the House of Commons.

The Commons had spent a good part of the day debating an NDP motion that called for Canada to recognize “a State of Palestine.”

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It was a controversial and divisive motion. Though non-binding, if passed the House would have sent a message that Canada’s foreign policy had effectively changed from supporting a two-state solution in the Middle East to unilaterally declaring a state of Palestine existed.

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It would have given Hamas, the war criminal-terrorists who carried out the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, exactly what they wanted.

Not surprisingly it provoked impassioned debate on all sides.

It also presented a danger to the appearance of Liberal unity. While it is believed a good many Liberals would have supported the motion, it was also expected a good many would not.

The vote would have brought out into the open just how bitter and divisive the conflict between Israel and Hamas has been within the Liberal party.

So it was that at the 11th hour on Monday night, just before a vote was to be taken, the Liberals introduced a number of amendments to the NDP motion. The main amendment being to change the controversial call to recognize a State of Palestine.

No longer was the motion to recognize a “State of Palestine,” now the amendment said Canada would “work with international partners to actively pursue the goal of a comprehensive just and lasting peace in the Middle East including toward the establishment of a State of Palestine as part of a negotiated two-state solution and maintain Canada’s position that Israel has a right to exist in peace and security with its neighbours.”

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The House had spent a day debating one thing only for the Liberals to change it at the last minute, presumably to prevent a split within the party about Middle East policy becoming public.

The whole thing was a farce. The Bloc Québécois complained that the amendments had happened so late that they had not been presented to them in French. The amendments were also not available to anyone watching on video.

The original motion was a testament to the dangerous naivete that infuses the NDP. The later amendments were proof that Liberal policy on the Middle East is hopelessly opaque.

This war was sparked by Hamas’s shockingly brutal attack on Israel — killing 1,200 men, women and children in the most horrific manner and kidnapping more than 250 people.

The deliberate use of sexual violence used in the attack by Hamas even shocked Pramila Patten, the UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict, who spoke of “the most shocking brutality” and a “catalogue of the most extreme and inhuman forms of torture and other horrors.”

To add to its war crimes, Hamas then kidnapped civilians and subjected women, and children, to sexual assault and torture while in captivity, according to a UN report by Patten.

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The Liberal response to all this has been a clumsy attempt to be all things to all people without providing any clear ethical or political direction.

If the original motion had passed, one assumes that the corollary to recognzsing the state of Palestine would be to recognize a ruling government. Would that be Hamas? The murderous, genocidal gunmen and rapists who are officially designated a terrorist organization by Canada?

Hamas is also committed to the total destruction of Israel which is bound to put a dampener on

Canada’s hopes for peace in the region.

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If the motion had passed in its original form, it would have meant Canada appeasing war criminals for their barbarism. It was notable that both Liberals and Conservatives warned of the dangers of rewarding Hamas for its crimes.

Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman said, “This motion is about rewarding Hamas for their massacre. This motion is a vote to reward the murder, the rape, the kidnapping of Israelis, and this motion is deeply irresponsible for this Parliament.”

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In an impassioned speech, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, who proudly declared himself a Jew and a Zionist, said, “This motion rewards Hamas.”

Housefather said passing the original motion would be to substantially change Canada’s foreign policy in favour of a terrorist organization that had killed, raped, pillaged, and abducted civilians.

If the Trudeau government had let the original motion stand, it would have been interesting indeed to see how many Liberals opposed it.

The motion in its amended form eventually passed, with the support of the Liberal cabinet.

Canada had wasted a day in a fruitless and needless debate before essentially reaffirming its long-standing position.

The NDP was obviously moved to put forward this motion because of the terrible suffering of people in Gaza. An end to all that death and destruction is urgently needed.

But all the suffering, all the deaths, all the devastation would quickly stop if Hamas released the hostages.

Once the hostages are free, then, and only then, can matters proceed to a ceasefire, to increasing aid to Gaza, to getting medical supplies to hospitals, and to working towards a just and lasting peace for the region.

Maybe if the Liberals concentrated on the hostages held by the war criminals Hamas, its Middle East policy would not be in such disarray.

National Post

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