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The Liberal government made a promise to British Columbians and First Nations back in 2019 to transition open-net salmon farms out of B.C. waters by 2025.

The government’s actions on this matter will decide the future of wild Pacific salmon. Decades of rigorous, peer-reviewed science have proven that ocean-based salmon farms are a direct threat to the survival of wild Pacific salmon. These salmon farms release disease and parasites into B.C. oceans and kill hundreds of thousands of wild fish every year. This is depriving First Nations of the wild salmon they need for food security, and endangering tens of thousands of jobs in commercial fisheries, outfitting and tourism.

I expect that any forthcoming transition plan will chart a course for removal of all ocean-based salmon farms and that no in-water or hybrid systems will be permitted in their place. Despite industry’s claims regarding innovation, there is no technology available or in development that addresses pathogen and parasite transfer in the marine environment, and this is the number-one concern for wild fisheries. Further, I expect that any renewal of aquaculture licences will be for a period of no more than two years.

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Anything short of these expectations will constitute a broken promise.

Ian Dewar McPherson, Richmond

Canada’s team is Team Canada against the world

Re: The Oilers aren’t Canada’s team

I’ve been following some of the news regarding whether or not people would support the Edmonton Oilers as Canada’s team. I look at it this way: Canada has NHL hockey teams. Plus, Canada‘s team for me is Team Canada competing at the international ice hockey level.

I’m hoping that Florida wins the Stanley Cup this year, and next year it’s the Vancouver Canucks.

L. Hay, Richmond

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