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This just doesn’t seem fair. According to the recently published World Air Quality Index, in 2023 Canada had worse air quality than the United States for the first time in history. Given that we’ve had a carbon tax for five years now, while the Americans don’t have one at all, how much longer do we wait, and how much higher must it be before it finally starts to help? Oh right, I forgot. Our federal government doesn’t measure that, it just calculates the extra funding it gets to redistribute.

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Al Willey

(Canadians have recognized the little value they are getting for the carbon tax. Let’s not forget it’s increasing 23% on April 1)


It sounds like the majority of Canadians are against the carbon tax. However, a majority of the Members of Parliament are voting to increase the carbon tax. I wonder why this is. These members are supposed to represent their constituents. It seems to me that they are representing the leaders of their party and the party whips, not their constituents. I would strongly recommend that all Canadians should have a serious look at how their MPs vote before they vote for them again.

James N. Rogers

(It is important to remember come election time exactly who voted to increase the cost of living for Canadians in the midst of an affordability crisis)

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Jonah Goldberg notes that Trump’s MAGA movement is now the Republican “establishment” (March 17). Goldberg ends his otherwise excellent opinion piece by warning that, if Trump loses in November, they will have no one to blame but themselves since “they’re the establishment now.” Yet it is precisely Trump’s anti-establishment approach that so many — including Democrats! — find so endearing. Cheer up conservatives!

Jake VanderKooy

(There are many people who won’t admit they are going to vote for Trump because of the backlash. It’s a big number)


To those who might consider giving Bonnie Crombie the benefit of the doubt when she proclaims that she will not implement a carbon tax if the Liberals are voted in to power in the next provincial election, I would like to remind them of a similar promise made by a previous Liberal leader, Dalton McGuinty, who promised that he would not raise taxes if he won the election. McGuinty won and almost immediately brought in a health tax, levy, which we all still pay today. A carbon levy, Bonnie?

Doug Bernard

(A levy is a another term for a tax)

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