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Re: Democracy under attack with recall petition, Opinion, March 2

As a former HR leader who spent decades working to diversify organizations, I find the argument that Calgarians lack experience with female leadership and non-white leaders offensive. I did my best to ensure we hired the most qualified candidates for the job, while prioritizing diversity of gender, race, education, life and work experience, leadership, etc.

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Being a leader means listening to people who do not agree with your vision and truly hearing their concerns. It means acknowledging that you are not the smartest person in the room and that you can learn from those around you.

It is not Mayor Jyoti Gondek’s “challenging of the status quo” that is fuelling my frustration; it’s the fact that her “leadership style” is making women look bad.

I fear that she will be the only woman ever elected to this office, and that would be the most undemocratic of all consequences.

Ruth Melchior, Calgary

Time to stop changing time

Here we go again, days of listening to people complain about the misery of changing the clocks twice a year, then it will be forgotten until the fall when we go through the process all over again.

If Danielle Smith wants to do something useful instead of tilting at windmills, she will enact legislation to get Alberta on standard time year-round.

Saskatchewan has been on Central Time for years. If they can do it, there is no reason we cannot.

Bob Gentles, Calgary

Green Line proponents ignoring reality

Re: Ghosts of Green Line past still haunt project, Opinion, March 9

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The one-sided plea to save the Green Line megaproject has two major flaws.

First, it asserts that critics who warn that it will go way over budget are wrong, and then it notes that the Green Line CEO recently stated that work quotations are coming in much higher than anticipated. That news affirms the critics and contradicts the author.

Second, the author fails to note the single most important objection to the Green Line, which is that it is proposed to include a tunnel under downtown and the Bow River. That will end in a structural and financial catastrophe for which Calgary’s taxpayers would be solely responsible.

There are reasonable alternatives, including reverting to a design that does not involve a tunnel and greater use of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The Green Line must be stopped now, before it’s too late.

James Cole, Calgary

Watchdog’s probe smacks of sexism

The male-dominated, politically right-wing Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the non-profit watchdog that sniffs out government misspending of taxpayer dollars, has done it again. Just one day before International Women’s Day, the National Post ran an article informing readers that the CTF had sniffed out what it deemed lavish and wasteful spending by various female governors general.

CTF provided no information about spending habits of male governors general, which made me wonder whether that meant that male GGs were so prudent in their spending of taxpayer dollars that they stayed home and baked cookies.

Florence Rachansky, Calgary

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