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After reading about some 24 people being named in a report saying they wittingly sought to aid the PRC in influencing the 2019 Canadian election, I would suggest that CSIS and RCMP do a deep dive on everyone named and work their way down from the PMO investigating others. Charges of espionage and/or treason should be laid. Any convicted of these charges should be thrown into a deep dark hole in maximum security … and the key should be thrown away.


(The report was shocking.)

Just like the rest of us

So Bryan Adams comments that he wrote to the Liberal government and was totally ignored — never even received a response (“No laughing matter,” Joe Warmington, June 2). It’s somewhat comforting to learn that celebrities are treated with the same arrogant indifference that us ordinary Canadians are by our elected representatives.

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(If Adams was heaping praise on the Liberals he would have received a response. This government is ridiculous)

Ridiculous Holland rant

Re: ‘Let the planet burn’; Health minister off the rails with road trip rant, June 1
This rant by federal health minister Mark Holland equating family road trips with destroying the planet would be laughable if Holland weren’t serious. The guy seems completely out of touch with reality. If this little rant by a cabinet minister doesn’t signify that it’s time for a new federal government, I don’t know what will. Perhaps once Holland loses his seat in the House, he can cower in his home and sob in terror at the looming demise of our planet due to climate change.


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(It was a ridiculous take.)

Pierre’s not perfect, but…

Pierre Poilievre is likely to be Canada’s next prime minister, with a majority government, after the next election. Is he a so-called perfect politician? Absolutely not. I do not believe that Pierre and the Conservatives are going to create a Canadian utopia where every decision is right for Canada and without unintended consequences. Every politician, regardless of party, is, after all, a human being with all of the potential failings that come with being human. In Pierre’s case, I take comfort knowing that he comes not from a privileged, entitled background, but one that is far more in tune with what the government is doing and how it affects the average Canadian.


(Nowhere to go but up, right?)

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