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It was comforting to read your report on the city’s new measures for dangerous dogs (“Sign or fine,” Jane Stevenson, April 25). I have a relative whose right arm was mangled by a dog while she was out for her walk. The owner stood by while this was happening. She will be relieved to know that, henceforth, there will be a warning sign on the dog owner’s property and that city staff will be conducting regular checks. Sort of like a Children’s Aid for dogs. Such a nice idea.

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J. Conway

(Perhaps there should be a sign saying dangerous owners too)


Who in our Canadian government types, federal, provincial or municipal, are sticking up for our Canadian Jewish communities? When are our police and government leaders going to act firmly and consistently do their jobs and protect our Jewish communities? It is very obvious that pro-Palestinian rioters are the choice of our governments and law enforcement. Do you hear Jewish supporters wishing for a Palestinian genocide or fire bombing Muslim places of worship or breaking schools or threatening Muslim children and teachers or blocking city streets/areas where Muslims live or attacking Palestinian businesses? No. It is time to stop all pro-Palestinian protest. Their type of protesting where they are calling for Jewish people to be wiped out is not part of our Canadian constitutional rights. Governments in all of Canada, it is time to stop the pro-Palestinian protest.

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Gord Peters
Chestermere, Alta.

(There have been no consequences for openly preaching hate during these protests. There has little to no enforcement of the law and it doesn’t appear that is changing any time soon as the hate rallies rage on. What has happened in this country?)


The contrast is stunning . Freedom Convoy protesters honking horns and blocking less than a dozen blocks for a month are arrested, had their bank accounts frozen, held in jail without bail. Pro-Hamas protesters, meanwhile, tussle with law enforcement, attack places of worship and Jewish-owned business, block hospital entrances and call for the destruction and elimination of Israel. The response: Everyone has a right to protest. Few arrests and mostly crickets from our politicians.

Mark David Fienberg

(It’s shameful and it’s high time something is done about. At minimum, enforce the law)

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