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A lot of people from Ontario go on holidays to cottages and other countries for months at a time. Why are you even living in Toronto when you’re taxed more and have a vacant home tax for you being away and then miss a deadline because you’re away. What crazy tax or demand will be placed on you next by the mayor, with more tax added to your home. Sell for good money while you can, live in comfort with less worry and more equity in southern Ontario.

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Wayne Robertson                                                                                                                                       Chatham

(It’s an endless list of taxes Chow and her left-wing cabal on council will come up with. Many people will heed your words and make a move)


Re “Poilievre demands first ministers meeting as Ford ties PM’s future to carbon price” (The Canadian Press, April 2): I long for a day when a Conservative leader calls for an emergency meeting on the climate change crisis, rather than one to take a rebate out of our pockets. Poilievre’s vow to scrap the carbon tax is one that helps line the pockets of the rich (who pollute the most), while hurting the poor (who pollute the least). We are one of dozens of countries worldwide with a form of carbon pricing in place, but are unique in giving the cash raised back directly to citizens. How is it that we are also the ones whining most about it? We are not alone in facing a cost of living crisis. We are just alone in thinking that letting the richest industries and individuals pollute to their hearts’ content will resolve it.

Mark Taylor                                                                                                                                                  Calgary

(That’s not what Poilievre has said at all. The Trudeau Liberals’ carbon tax has done nothing to address environmental concerns. All the tax has done is tax more money away from Canadians)

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