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Canada is next door to the world’s biggest supplier of any kind of gun for personal use and secret military camps in case they don’t like the government in power, and with guns are enshrined in their Constitution. I don’t care how much extra money the feds give police departments to hire more police, it won’t solve the problem. Canada does not have a dedicated border patrol to stop the importing of illegal guns, and the RCMP do not have the manpower to do this job anyway, and for sure Canada Border Services aren’t equipped to do the job either! Canada needs tough jail sentences with no bail or parole for gun and drug crimes, with a dedicated border patrol, RCMP handling only federal crime, and provinces taking over their own policing except Ontario and Quebec which do their own. We can solve this problem when the government gets serious, but we’re up against opponents who only want to spend money on social programs and have no worries about Canada’s security and safety!

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Peter Voss

(We have no ability to stop the illegal hand guns coming in. The cops, try as they may, don’t have the resources. So yes, stiffer sentencing is one deterrent)


Re “Long look of the law” (Joe Warmington, April 2): Toronto Police Const. Reem Raza is a leader and hero on so many levels. Her look and stare-down is exactly what this world needs from time to time. She is a policewoman and proud of it. She is here to protect and serve. A picture says a thousand words and I feel safer knowing Raza is on the job and does not stand down nor escalate an issue, rather she does her job with discipline, resilience and fearlessness. Thank you for protecting us.

Andrew Kotys

(We share this sentiment)


Where in the heck are the billions of dollars coming from that are being announced daily by the federal Liberals? If that much money is actually available, then why are we taxed more and more every year? Pay down the debt and provide Canadian citizens some kind of real-time tax breaks individually and quit taxing pensions for seniors.

Dan O’Brien

(It’s coming from our tax dollars, more borrowing at high interest and adding to the massive debt)

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