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As Dennis Miller used to say, “ I don’t want to go off on a rant here,” but is it possible that our problem with low productivity coincides with the fact that our economy and governments — together with their institutions — are much more heavily unionized than our neighbours to the south. This isn’t an opinion against the need to secure fair wages, but an opinion that questions the unionized bargaining structure to secure those wages. In addition to prolonged strikes that require political intervention, union bargaining strategies often put forward a demand for better wages for doing the same or less work. Is it possible that securing more days off, improved sick leave, emergency leave, and perhaps a four-day work week might impact our productivity and hence our standard of living negatively?

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Doug Appt                                                                                                                                               Niagara Falls, Ont.

(Certainly this would have an impact on productivity)


Re “Get priorities right” (Brian Lilley, April 3): Brian Lilley has correctly defined this issue. This federal government is interfering in provincial affairs by spending Canadian taxpayer money to solve a problem. But the feds are aggravating the problem. Justin Trudeau’s government is desperately looking for a response to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s suggestion to create incentives and disincentives for gate-keeper municipal bureaucrats with existing federal funds. Trudeau wants to pour on more Canadian taxpayer cash because that’s all he knows. When you are a hammer, every problem is a nail. But this plan is like bringing out a bigger bucket when all he needs to do is turn off the tap.

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Larry Sylvester                                                                                                                                               Acton

(Trudeau has put little to no thought to the finances of our country. He’s only interested in spending our money recklessly to try to secure an election win)


I wish Ontario Premier Doug Ford would be as brave as Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbot and other U.S. governors. They have taken steps to ban the outright racist extremes of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). They have forced their schools to promote merit-based education and fire every DEI employee they can find. Would you rather have a surgeon or pilot who was hired based on merit or on DEI. I am all for merit. I hope the Conservatives wake up and realize this is a winning strategy.

Gordon Skinner                                                                                                                                              Uxbridge

(Merit wins. But don’t hold your breath that Ford will do something like this)

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