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What is incompetent, however, is the perpetual SIS program failure. How many signs does the premier need? Was it not just a few years ago community groups were sounding the alarms with respect to the policy launch? Did landlord evictions not spike in the immediate aftermath of SIS implementation?

Does anyone remember former social services minister Lori Carr saying: “Anyone who presents themselves to social services in need of a safe place to sleep gets one?”

Did the premier completely miss the two massive encampments that provided overnight accommodations the ministry did not, despite record use of hotels? This didn’t materialize from nothing.

One has to wonder when the government will see it plainly for what it is: SIS failed Saskatchewan, including front-line ministry workers who cannot create positive results with dysfunctional policy. I’m sure Mr. Grewal’s business will find continued success thanks to this ongoing policy disaster.

Alysia Johnson, Regina

Government open for businesses that donate

Let’s review what our current provincial government has done for us: They’ve gutted our education system and hindered our educators while entering into questionable P3 agreements that taxpayers will be on the hook for for the next 30 years — all of this while funding privately run schools of dubious character.

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They’ve made such a mess of our health-care system that now surgeries are contracted out to a sole source company in Calgary that has hired a former Saskatchewan Party MLA as a lobbyist. The company also donates to the Saskatchewan Party.

Another interesting tidbit that has come to light is that a current MLA of the party in power is reaping huge rewards from our social services agency with his two hotels that have received a large boost in business from Saskatchewan taxpayers since he was elected. Coincidence? I think not.

Meanwhile they’ve done nothing to help us weather inflation and have tried to blame everything on the fgederal government, while holding their hands out for more cash. Is the Saskatchewan Party open for business or open for purchase?

Dan Planeto, Regina

Abuse of speaker anti-democratic

The abuse of Speaker Randy Weekes by the Saskatchewan Party caucus is very well set out by Murray Mandryk. However I would add one point: The Speaker of the House is the keystone to our democracy. The role is there to protect freedom of speech.

Such abuse is not only ill-mannered, but also a blatant disdain of the democratic process.

Larry Deters, Regina

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