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Jagmeet Singh has shown repeatedly what a hypocrite he really is. He criticizes Trudeau in the morning and yet votes with him in the afternoon. Only through bullying and threats does he get his way. I guess that’s what Canadian politics has come to with the Liberal/NDP alliance. When the election comes, how can Singh separate himself and the NDP from the Liberals after he has supported Trudeau all these years. Singh knows that without the alliance most of the public would never notice him or his party. They will never get more than the 20% or so support they currently receive. That’s mostly from down east. The NDP are no longer a distinct party. They are just another spend-and-tax caucus. Where does Singh think the money is coming from for all these grandiose schemes? Taxpayers beware.

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(It’s certainly going to be a challenge for him to sell the NDP as a viable alternative to the Liberals now.)

Cry me a river

The Sun’s poll question asked: “Should Alberta spend more on education?” How much more and where? Approximately 80% of the budget for the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) is the cost of labour, salaries, wages, and pension obligations. A teacher with 10 years seniority at the CBE earns approximately $100,000 for roughly eight and half months of working time. I do not begrudge the salary, that was a bargain struck between the school board and the union. What riles me is when the Alberta Teachers’ Federation and the Alberta Teachers’ Association cry poverty and demand more of the taxpayers’ money.


(The taxpayer is given little consideration in such negotiations.)

Talkin’ tough

As usual, our glorious boy king talks a great fight. Check him out running his mouth at Putin from the relative safety of Kyiv. Calls him ‘weakling’ and ‘coward.’ He says himself that Putin’s critics have a way of dying creatively. How is it that he imagines himself immune from a calculated dose of nerve poison when he least expects it? Does he know himself to be a vital piece in the big East/West chess game?


(Our current PM’s words carry little weight on the world stage.)

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