Readers slam the Liberal government for failure to control protests, the clipping of our air force’s wings, the health-care and affordability crises, and more

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‘It astounds me that we have no mechanism to eject’ the PM

Re: Most Canadians think Canada is broken and are angry with Trudeau government: exclusive poll — Ari Blaff, March 7; and Affordability fuels Canadian anger — not conspiracy theories — Michael Higgins, March 11

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Considering the Canadian rage at Trudeau tyranny, it astounds me that we have no mechanism to eject him. In the U.S., citizens’ elected representatives can remove a president by an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives and a two-thirds majority in the Senate. Or, the 25th Amendment can be invoked, putting the vice-president in charge, if the sitting president dies, resigns or is otherwise “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

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In Canada, the Governor General can appoint another prime minister. Usually, the existing PM will have died or resigned, but it is not a necessary condition. Otherwise, a non-confidence vote in the House generally encourages the prime minister to resign and dissolve Parliament, but this response is not mandatory. The PM’s Cabinet may also nudge him or her out of office, but nothing necessarily triggers this action.

We cannot tolerate this dictator for 19 more months. Canadians who previously voted Liberal must write, email, text, tweet or phone their elected Liberal representatives and threaten lifelong defeat for all Liberal politicians who do not publicly denounce Justin Trudeau and insist he resign immediately.

Larry Sylvester, Acton, Ont.

‘The buck stops with you, Trudeau’

Re: In Thornhill, Gaza war used as a cover to demand Israel’s destruction — Danielle Kubes, March 8; and Affordability fuels Canadian anger — not conspiracy theories — Michael Higgins, March 11

I have lived in this country for almost 60 years. I know the difference between right and wrong, chaos and order, fact and fiction, lip service and action. Does Justin Trudeau, or those who carry out his orders, know?

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Since when is disturbing the peace, screaming on blow horns calling for the annihilation of the state of Israel, charging across protest lines to grab Israeli flags from peaceful supporters and then burning the flags, considered legal? Not to mention that this protest was taking place in a residential area in front of a place of worship.

Since when is it OK to protest in front of hospitals and block access to them?

Justin Trudeau, where is the justice, the protection for the innocent?

The buck stops with you, Trudeau. You are supposed to be the leader of this country, yet you have allowed anarchy and chaos to rule instead of the law. You have set the precedent for these outrageous, unlawful and harmful acts of hate, normalizing it in the view of many of our citizens.

Now, let’s address the homelessness and the hunger in our communities and country. Why, Mr. Prime Minister, are you bringing in more refugees when Canada cannot properly take care of its own? Shouldn’t we be using our tax dollars to help the Canadian citizens who are living on the streets and in tents, families that are having a hard time paying their bills and feeding their children?

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What about the increase in car thefts, robberies and crime in general?

We need to turn this country around. Stop the excessive hate. Stop the excessive poverty. Stop the excessive crime. Set clear boundaries as to what is right and wrong through action, not just words.

Trudeau, your inaction makes you complicit in these crimes and in the neglect of our most vulnerable citizens. Take control and be a leader. Please start to care more about this country than your own political agenda.

A concerned Canadian citizen.

Federal health minister’s comments ‘appalling’

Re: Health minister’s berating of suffering patients was downright cruel — Shawn Whatley, March 13

Federal Health Minister Mark Holland’s statement that patients paying for out-of-country care create “a terrible malady for our system” highlights how out of touch he (and the Liberal government) are with reality.

The terrible malady in our system is the underfunding and maladministration of the system itself along with the philosophy that we should all accept collective mediocrity as the Canadian condition.

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Each of us has only one life, and government has a duty to protect those lives, especially if it creates a system on which those lives depend. Our health-care system spends more money, with worse outcomes, than many other nationalized health-care regimes. It is appalling that Holland would blame patients for doing what is necessary to protect their health and well-being, or even their lives.

The Liberals habitually deflect blame for their own incompetence on the citizens they are supposed to serve. Another example of this was blaming travellers for the meltdown at Canadian airports.

John Harris, Toronto

‘Shocking’ that air force is ending its own pilot training

Re: Canada’s Air Force ends pilot training as Ottawa’s spending priorities grow more unbalanced — John Ivison, March 13

Each late afternoon, I feel just a little bit safer as I look to the western skies and see the familiar trail of a Canadian Air Force CF-18 jet as it conducts its daily patrol of our skies. As our national anthem suggests, the pilots are truly “standing on guard” for us.

To learn that our fighter pilots will no longer be trained in Canada but will need to be trained in Texas, Italy and Finland is unbelievably embarrassing. Perhaps at age 77, I will live long enough to see Russian and Chinese jet trails overhead.

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Meanwhile, rather than supporting our military, our feckless prime minister fritters away taxpayer money and doles out billions of dollars to the EV industry, which by recent reports is no sure success. Under Trudeau’s watch Canada is becoming a Third World country and a laughingstock on the world stage.

It is blatantly clear that an adult is urgently required to man the Canadian helm. Canada is in drastic need of saving. Oh Canada.

Bob Erwin, Ottawa

Canadians should be shocked as the Canadian Air Force ends pilot training. What is next, an Army with no guns or a Navy with no ships?

I see this as an extension of the Justin Trudeau broader policy of a country with no money. Has there ever been a more destructive prime minister in Canadian history?

Chris Robertson, Stony Plain, Alta.

Poor timing for UNRWA announcement

Re: Ottawa resuming UNRWA funding after employees allegedly took part in Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks — Bryan Passifiume, March 8

So on International Women’s Day, the Liberal government announces continued Canadian funding for the Hamas-linked United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is under investigation for staff participation in the Oct. 7 murder, rape and mutilations of Israeli women.

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The term oblivious comes smartly to mind. Kind of like having our prime minister go surfing on Canada’s inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

John P.A. Budreski, Whistler

PM succeeds to be unpopular

Re: ‘My job is not to be popular’: Trudeau — Catherine Lévesque, March 13

I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that after eight long years of decline in our standard of living, decline of our military, fanatical alarmism, divisiveness, elitist wokeness, hypocrisy, inflation due to bloated budgets, increased taxation, embarrassment on the world stage, making criminals victims and providing psychopathic killers with tennis courts and hockey rinks in “prison,” etcetera, he has become successful at something we can all agree with. In fact, his personal success at “being unpopular” will lead to the decimation of his party in an election that cannot come too soon.

Graeme Leon, Pickering, Ont.

Where is the humanity?

Re: Does ‘MeToo, unless you’re a Jew,’ hold true? — Judy Weissenberg Cohen, March 7

Judy Weissenberg Cohen brilliantly exposes the extent to which the world has let her generation down. How is it that even with the unassailable evidence of the horrors they endured, she and other Holocaust survivors are still not believed in some quarters, or that many people in Canada don’t even know what the Holocaust was?

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How is it acceptable that Jews in Paris, London and Toronto are afraid to wear symbols of their faith and must find the strength to stand, largely alone, against “protesters” spewing abuse in front of synagogues and other Jewish institutions? Where is the humanity of those who argue that the rape and torture of Israeli women is acceptable as resistance?

Ms. Cohen writes, “I am 95, and I am tired.” Her words break my heart and should shame us all if we do not take up her burden as our sacred duty.

Audrey Diamant, Thornhill, Ont.

‘Vile words of hatred’

Re: Anti-Israel protesters shout ‘Go back to Europe’ outside synagogue north of Toronto — Ari Blaff, March 8

As a proud Canadian Jew I couldn’t believe that I was standing in front of my synagogue and Jewish schools, while face-covered pro-Palestinian protesters, using speakers at ear-piercing decibels, hurled vile words of hatred, including “all Zionists are terrorists” “Intifada” “from the river to the sea” “Go back to Europe” and ironically, “stop killing hostages.” As they continued for hours, I was grateful yet shocked at the unbelievable police, ambulance and firefighter presence dispatched out of concern of heightened violence, clearly indicating these demonstrations should never be legal let alone in peaceful residential communities.

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This isn’t the Canada I grew up in, nor the Canada my grandparents came to in the hope of leaving behind memories of religious persecution. Hate and racism should never be dismissed as freedom of speech. If this is continued to be allowed, I shudder to think of what Canada will look like in the future.

T.R. Cohen, Thornhill, Ont.

Recommended from Editorial

Who should the next PM be?

Re: ‘Volatile situation’: Canada pulls some diplomats from embassy in Haiti — March 14

Haiti now has no formal government and is being terrorized by gangs. People are being told to “stay in place.”

Of course, Canada is not Haiti. We have governments in place and most citizens can go about their daily business without fear. However, if you happen to be a Jewish citizen, this is not the case.

Pro-Palestinian protesters, whose behaviour is often similar to that of organized gangs, threaten, intimate and terrorize Jewish synagogues, schools, cultural institutions, university campuses and retail outlets owned by Jews or by those whom they believe support Israel in its fight with Hamas. Calls of “death to Jews” and for the annihilation of Israel are common at these so-called free-speech rallies.

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Throughout all this, our prime minister does nothing. He does nothing to allay the fears of his Jewish constituents. He does nothing to stop these protesters, who cause chaos, fear and havoc in our communities and who even stop the business of government. He does nothing to demonstrate he understands that Israel is fighting for its very existence. He does nothing to pressure for the release of the Israeli hostages held by the designated terrorist group, Hamas. What he does do is call for an immediate and complete ceasefire in Gaza, showing no understanding at all of the complexity of the situation in the Middle East and that the credo of Hamas is “from the river to the sea,” with no Israel on any world map.

All Canadian citizens should be concerned. Will yours be the next group that will be targeted by hatemongers? Will it be you? Are you confident that your prime minister has “your back” and will support and protect you? If your answer to this last question is not a resounding yes then perhaps you, too, should be thinking about who our next leader should be.

Phyllis Levin, Toronto

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Kudos to Barbara Kay for column

Re: Leaked files expose the ethical rot behind modern transgender medicine — Barbara Kay, March 10

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) styles itself as the authority on gender-altering therapy and procedures, but in reality is only an advocacy group for activists within the trans community. It has been thoroughly antithetical to any academic criticism or research not in keeping with its predetermined principles.

Dr. Ken Zucker is by far not the only professional and/or academic who has been dismissed, censured, denied promotion and/or deplatformed by WPATH’s supporters. I congratulate Barbara Kay for her forthright courage in writing this column and to the National Post for publishing it.

Arnold Voth MD, Edmonton

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