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The April jobs numbers from Statistics Canada made headlines: 90,000 new jobs where just 20,000 had been expected. For once, enough new jobs had been created to cover the vast number of immigrants the Liberals were letting in.

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Too bad the April figures didn’t signal a trend. When May’s numbers were released on

Friday, Canada fell back into the same old pattern — far too few jobs created to handle all the new Canadians the Trudeau government is admitting.

Just 27,000 jobs were added in Canada in May. That’s much closer to normal.

At the same time, the population rose by nearly 98,000, mostly from immigration.

Not every immigrant is of working age. Some are kids, some are seniors.

Not every newcomer needs a job. But a lot do need work. And, under the Liberals, our economy is not producing jobs fast enough to provide work for every new Canadian who wants a job.

While our economy produced 27,000 jobs last month, Liberal immigration policies added 55,000 people to the workforce. That means we were 28,000 jobs short in one month. Our economy is producing only half as many jobs as needed.

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Indeed, unemployment went up last month from 6.1% to 6.2%. That may not sound like a large jump, and by itself it’s not. But that increase was also accompanied by yet another fall in what is called the labour market participation rate — the percentage of working-age people who are working or actively looking for work.

The participation rate is typically around 65%. In May it dropped to closer to 61%.
Canada’s unemployment rate looks not so bad, only because so many people have given up looking for work. If you’re looking for a job and can’t find one, you’re unemployed. If you’ve given up looking, you’re not counted.

To make matters worse, while Canada added 27,000 jobs in May, we lost nearly 36,000 full-time jobs, while gaining just over 62,000 part-time ones.

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According to the Wall Street Journal, one-fifth more Canadians were unemployed in May 2024 than a year earlier.

Back when this country had a New Democratic Party (rather than a subsidiary of the Liberal Party that Jagmeet Singh has turned the NDP into), that party would have protested this conversion of full-time work into part-time employment. Alas, that NDP no longer exists.

The math is clear enough— in the first five months of 2024, the Liberals have admitted just over 500,000 new Canadians, about 100,000 a month. As a result, Statistics Canada calculates the size of our labour force has increased by 315,000. Yet so far this year, our economy — which is the slowest in the G7 — has produced just 193,000 new jobs (63,000 full-time, 130,000 part-time).

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We have added 63% more workers than jobs. That’s simply unsustainable.

And look at the effect on housing. We will admit 1.2 or 1.3 million immigrants this year, while building just 230,000 to 250,000 new housing units — apartments, houses, condos, row housing and so on.

To accommodate that many newcomers, Canadian construction companies would have to build more than 410,000 units. They won’t even come close.

That also doesn’t count the number of existing Canadians who will come of age and want to move out into their own place. Or the number who will marry. Or who have a child and want a bigger place. Or the number who are downsizing or those who simply want a different home.

The Liberals’ flood of immigrants isn’t solely to blame, of course. The Trudeau government has also depressed international investment in Canada and domestic job creation with its idiotic energy and environmental policies. And they’ve damaged the economy with their runaway spending, rising taxes and high inflation.

Time after time we are presented with evidence of the damage being done by the Trudeau government’s immigration policies and the Liberals do nothing concrete to stop the chaos.

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