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Twenty bucks to watch the Oilers on a screen, eh? No thanks. Yeah, I get it — pro hockey has become a big greasy business. All the same, I’m Canadian and can’t take it. You understand.

Go Oilers. But with the cost of a live game already out-of-reach for most people, this greedy little maneuver has just gone too far. Out of respect for the fans and some world-class athletes, would the Oilers organization try to show a little class? Get with it, will you?

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Tom Roschkov, Edmonton

NDP debate was refreshingly civil

Re. “NDP’s Mister Rogers leadership campaign covers cracks — for now,” Don Braid, June 4

Overall, I find Don Braid’s opinions to be thoughtful and balanced. However, I found his take on the final NDP debate on the weekend surprising. I didn’t disagree with his view that the candidates went out of their way to avoid any acrimony or personal attacks. There was a bit of a “Kumbaya” feel to it. The question I was left with after reading the column was whether we have now reached the point where a political debate that goes out of its way to be civil and respectful has become a news story.  Have we reached the point in this attention economy that only invective, insult and accusation are seen as legitimate political discourse?

We live at a time where ethically challenged politicians of both the right and left exploit polarization for their own purposes.  Policy takes a backseat to creating the sense that you are being held back in some way by “them,” meaning the “woke,” the “elites,” the “radical left,” the “transphobic,” the “colonists,” et cetera. The NDP final debate could have used a little more fire, but in a strange way, it was also refreshing. Sometimes, we could all hum a little “Kumbaya.”

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Anthony McClellan, Edmonton 

CBC Oilers snub shows bias

The fact that the CBC broadcast the Eastern Conference Finals between two American teams and decided not to broadcast the Edmonton Oilers’ games of the Western Conference Finals is more than just a slap in the face to Western Canada.

It’s a knife in our back while their other hand is reaching into our pockets to steal more money to buy a larger knife. The CBC is seriously hateful of Western Canada. Completely evident now.

Garth Ukrainetz, Edmonton

Do something about dandelions

Would someone please inform city council and the administration that our official flower is the marigold, and not the dandelion.

Michael Leedham, Edmonton

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