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So easy to criticize. Let’s look a little deeper and into our city council. Oh, I know, taxes are going up. Horrors!

When you use that beautiful recreation centre in your neighbourhood, stop by a world-class library, take your family on a bike ride — yes, bike lanes make biking safer for everyone, cheer on your favourite team in great facilities, meet your neighbours for a coffee in your local watering hole or take a walk through our incredible river valley, take a breath and be grateful.

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Look to the future of your children and grandchildren when Edmonton has doubled in size and they live in a city that took a chance on the future. One that is working to build a sustainable city with bike lanes, rapid transit, urban parks, recreation centres and vibrant lively neighbourhoods. Are there bumps along the way? Of course! Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Carey Castillo, Edmonton

Where’s Alberta’s public health boss?

April 22-30 is National Immunization Awareness Week, and we haven’t heard a peep from Dr. Mark Joffe, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health (CMOH). His role is to provide public-health expertise on issues of public-health importance.

In light of the interruption of children’s immunization schedules during the pandemic, and the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles, I would have expected that AHS Public Health and the CMOH would be communicating to the public. Immunization is cheap, safe and effective in preventing childhood vaccine-preventable diseases and knowing how to get children’s recommended immunizations up to date is vital to keeping these childhood killers at bay.

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A CMOH who is seen in public can help make the case that vaccines are not just for kids, but are needed throughout the life span. How can parents and citizens be confident that they are making safe and effective immunization decisions when our public health leaders remain silent?

Dr. Joffe is rumoured to be Alberta’s CMOH. It’s ironic that he is never seen in public, rarely talks to the public, and that he and the government that hired him don’t seem to care about the health and safety of the public. If you do see him, can you let him know: We miss him!

Ardene Vollman, Calgary

Council spending lacks practicality

Edmonton council simply doesn’t get practical decision-making at the ground level. They expand transit and if you want to play Russian roulette with your life, you’ll try and ride it. Security guards are underpaid, and do not want to die for their jobs. Who are they expanding this cash cow for?

Bike lanes, again one per cent are using them. So Edmonton decides to expand. The mayor doesn’t understand what Edmonton once was.

Candace Duiker, Edmonton

Edmonton could use Mike Nickel

Where is Mike Nickel when we, Edmonton, needs him?

Luba Bell, Edmonton

Letters welcome

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