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In a desperate mission to rescue his party from certain annihilation in the next election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been making a frenzy of high-cost announcements in the run-up to his budget on April 16.

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Liberals are worried young people are turning away from them in droves, as the high price of everything, from groceries to rent, has turned middle-class dreams into nightmares.

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One of Trudeau’s recent pledges was to fund contraceptive pills and devices for young women as part of his Pharmacare pledge. It doesn’t seem to occur to him and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that this country (a) doesn’t need Pharmacare and (b) cannot afford it. And (c) his wild overspending on items Canadians haven’t asked for is helping fuel inflation. And that’s making life unaffordable for ordinary people.

It also has the same paternalistic ring we heard when his government-mandated, federally regulated employers to provide tampons and menstrual pads for their female employees at work. We nickel and dime our armed forces on equipment, but put tampons in all their washrooms.

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Women have been managing their reproductive systems quite nicely for time immemorial. Paying for these items from taxpayer funds is unnecessary and adds another burden to the public purse. Meanwhile, provinces are scrambling to keep basic health-care services — such as emergency rooms and family doctors — adequately funded.

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Trudeau announced this week that his government will provide $1 billion over five years to set up a national school food program. In 2019, he claimed his government had raised 900,000 Canadians out of poverty since he was elected in 2016. Now, soaring housing costs and the skyrocketing cost of food have depleted so many families that he has to ride to rescue them — from the dire situation he created. Had he managed the economy better, he’d have left more money in the hands of parents so they’d have the dignity to feed their children themselves.

Instead, he hiked the carbon tax, fuelled inflation with his irresponsible spending and racked up a massive debt that will haunt our children and grandchildren. In the third quarter of 2023, the government spent $24.7 billion on interest, up 20.7% compared with the same quarter of 2022.

Put away the credit card, prime minister. You’ve exceeded the limit. We can’t afford you anymore.

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