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Of all the commentary in the furious discussion about revelations that some MPs are working with foreign governments, the most asinine was from Ontario Liberal MP Jennifer O’Connell.

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In a national security and intelligence committee of parliamentarians (NSICOP) hearing Thursday, the MP for Pickering-Uxbridge heckled and tried to talk over Conservative MP Frank Caputo as he questioned Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc about which MPs were working with hostile governments. That prompted Conservative MP Garnett Genius to ask the committee chair to call O’Connell to order. She was breaking the rules.

“Oh, boo hoo. Get over it,” she said.

Really? Is this the level of childish tantrums we’ve reached in the hallowed halls of Parliament? Throw your toys out of the crib opposition politicians demand your government be held to account.

You can be sure if a majority of politicians suspected of feeding information to foreign governments were Conservative, the Liberals would have already read their names into Hansard, the record of Parliament.

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Earlier in the week, the committee released a report saying some MPs were “wittingly assisting” foreign state actors after they were elected, and that Canada’s slow response to such interference could impact our government for years to come.

The report by security agencies, including CSIS and RCMP, also revealed the government has denied more than 1,000 documents, in whole or in part, requested by the committee.



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Let’s not forget, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau triggered the latest round of accusations about foreign interference into Canada’s national affairs when, in September 2023, he accused India’s government of involvement in the shooting death of Canadian Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June of last year, before anyone had been arrested.

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Pressed at the NSICOP committee to reveal names, LeBlanc said the information was uncorroborated.

“I think it’s important for Canadians to understand that these names are contained in intelligence reports. In some cases, it’s uncorroborated or unverified intelligence,” LeBlanc said.

How can Canadians vote in the next election after these revelations? How can we have faith in the integrity of our politicians without vital information — that being the names of those who may have betrayed this country.

Boo hoo to you too, Ms. O’Connell. Show more respect for Parliament, for Canadians and for the democratic process we hold dear.

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