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An order from Quebec Superior Court on Thursday should bring relief to citizens of the Vallée de la Rouge, where the emergency rooms of the Rivière-Rouge hospital risked having to close at night.

Based on a judgment of the Court of Appeal Feb. 23, the Superior Court issued a new order requiring that the CISSS des Laurentides regional health authority ensure that the Rivière-Rouge hospital ER is open at night until Aug. 15.

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This should allow both parties to prepare their case for a possible trial if this proves necessary, said Carl-Éric Therrien, lawyer for the plaintiff.

Due to a critical lack of staff, the CISSS des Laurentides decided last December to close the hospital’s emergency department between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. starting Feb. 1. The discontent of area residents echoed all the way to the National Assembly.

The closure was narrowly avoided after a decision by the Court of Appeal and since then, injunctions have allowed the emergency rooms to continue to be open 24 hours a day.

According to Therrien, Thursday morning’s decision by the Superior Court reassured citizens who would have had to travel at least 60 kilometres to get to the nearest emergency room.

“We are happy because it will allow citizens to breathe a little and also for hospital staff to have a better perspective of work for the coming months,” Therrien said.

He said he was open to finding other solutions to resolve the case instead of a trial.

In an email to The Canadian Press, the CISSS des Laurentides said it is continuing its recruitment efforts to keep the emergency department operational at night.

“Although people are mobilizing temporarily to lend a hand to the Rivière-Rouge team, it will be a challenge to maintain in the long term.”

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

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