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A contractor working for city police has been charged with assaulting a freshly-arrested detainee.

Police say they’d arrived with a suspect just after midnight last Saturday at the CPS Arrest Processing Section (APS) in the city far northwest when an altercation occurred.

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“An argument took place between the arrestee and a commissionaire working at APS,” police said in a press release Wednesday.

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“The argument escalated and it is believed an assault occurred. No injuries were sustained by the arrestee or the commissionaire.”

Following an investigation that involved reviewing surveillance camera footage, Essayas Tekeste, 25, of Calgary has been charged with assault.

Police say he’s been relieved of his duties pending the outcome of legal proceedings and his next court appearance is on June 19.

Commissionaires assist CPS members in helping to process detainees and are also contracted to serve at other facilities to perform security duties, say police.

“However, they do not have the legal authority to use physical force while processing arrestees,” said CPS.

“Commissionaires at APS are supervised by police officers while at work, and if physical intervention is required, commissionaires are trained to withdraw and let police officers handle the situation.”

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